Tag: relax

  • Don’t Forget to Let the Wind Blow Through Your Hair

    Some days I am so busy I seriously forget to breathe I think.
    I keep a very tight schedule – You’d laugh if you saw how many times a day I look in my planner to see what I need to be doing – and I started leaving some blank time in the afternoon.
    I take my dog out, leave my cell phone and everything in the house and feel the wind, appreciate the sun and notice my grass needs mowing gotta write that in the planner for tomorrow.
    But you get the idea – just stop now and then – more often than not and take in how amazing everything around you really is.

    I love making Artist Trading Cards or ACEO’s (Art Cards, Editions and Originals)- you’ve been warned

    Size : 2.5-inches by 3.5-inches
    mixed media Artist Trading Card 🙂


  • She Made Time to Feed the Birds Every Day

    She makes time, every day.
    To sit and feed the birds. It’s their food time and her quiet time.
    We should all try to find time to do that every day.

    I love making Artist Trading Cards or ACEO’s (Art Cards, Editions and Originals)- you’ve been warned

    Size : 2.5-inches by 3.5-inches
    mixed media Artist Trading Card 🙂
