Tag: watercolor painting

  • Her Best Friend was a Green Parrot Watercolor 5×7 Original Painting

    s-l1600 (31)

    I love birds. I have had parakeets (well budgies) and a wonderful cockatiel named ChickenBoo that I had for 15 years.

    He used to call my cats by saying, “Kitty, kitty, kitty!” The cats would come running fully expecting food, and then he’d laugh. I loved that bird.

    When I once again live in a home with reliable heat, I want another bird to be a member of fam. 🙂

    This piece is 5×7 and ready to frame.
    It is $20 with free shipping within the US.
    If you live outside the US, just write me for a quote on shipping – it’s usually under $9 for most regions of the world.

    if you’d like to buy it directly from me, just contact me below:

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  • Go Away Fruit Flies Original outsider art watercolor painting 5×7

    I don’t really know how it happened, but suddenly there were a ton of fruit flies in my kitchen. They were invading my coffee – it was seriously pissing me off. Suddenly they were gone as fast as they appeared. Ewww annoying critters. Good riddance fruit flies.

    This artwork was inspired by the fact they would NOT leave my coffee cup alone on a Monday morning.
    This piece is sold and lives in a private collection.
    $_12 (28)

  • Halloween Tuxedo Cat Jo Potocki Original Painting Watercolor Kitten Cat Art | eBay

    I spend wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much time on Ebay drooling over in the folk art dolls section – I fell in love with this cat clown doll that was trick or treating – this is the second painting I’ve done of a cat in a similar garb but this cat is a tuxedo cat. Because I have black cat and a tuxedo cat – I’m going to do one more of these for our tabby cat Vylette too.

    Halloween Tuxedo Cat Jo Potocki Original Painting Watercolor Kitten Cat Art | eBay

    Halloween Tuxedo Cat Jo Potocki Original Painting Watercolor Kitten Cat Art | eBay.

  • Kitty Blue Painting

    All of our cats are special needs cats. We are drawn to help the kitties that need homes and care. We work out of the house so we’re always here.
    The bad part of adopting special needs cats is that you wind up having to say “goodbye” much sooner than you’d like in some cases but the good part is you get to know some pretty amazing furry friends.

    kitty blue