Category: Art

  • Black and White Cat Hiding in the Sunflowers acrylic painting on wood

    Black and White Cat Hiding in the Sunflowers acrylic painting on wood

    blwhcatsunflowers1About this piece
    This black and white kitty cat is painted on a small board about 1/4-inch thick and 2.5 x 4.5 inches.
    Painted with acrylics and sealed under varnish.
    Price: $20.00 +$3 shipping in the U.S.A.
    Buy Securely with Paypal

    Shipping is $3 within the U.S. – International shipping averages around $9. Just contact me for a quote.

  • Sour Girl 2.5×4.5 acrylic painting on wood

    Sour Girl 2.5×4.5 acrylic painting on wood

    Sour girl is a small lemon-headed girl wearing a red dress similar to one I had when I was around 5-ish. She’s a little character I paint frequently.

    About this piece
    Sour Girl is painted on a small board about 1/4-inch thick and 2.5 x 4.5 inches.
    She’s painted with acrylics and sealed under varnish.

  • The Proper Praying Technique God Only Listens To

    The Proper Praying Technique God Only Listens To


    So, you know how certain churches go door to door and want to find out where you’re at spiritually? I live in Holy Toledo and we seem to have a little more than our fair share of people knocking on our door wanting to sell me Jesus. Now, I am never rude. In fact, I listen, ask questions, and am polite. I am a lifelong atheist but I’m certainly not knocking anyone else for believing. I just don’t want to be involved.

    One day two women came by and they were giving me the spiel about saving my immortal soul, yadda yadda yadda and then a woman told me that she would tell me how to pray.

    She asked if that is why I didn’t believe in God wasn’t it? My prayers didn’t get answered! Well, she told me if you do not hold your fingers straight, perfectly STRAIGHT – God doesn’t listen. If you intertwine and fold your fingers, well you’re just praying to yourself she told me with a knowing smile.
    Now you know.

    That inspired this and about 4 other artworks that live in happy homes – this is the last one. She’s praying properly and there are old Christian symbols around the piece.

    About this Artwork
    This piece is 6.5 by 9 inches
    Acrylic painted on vintage photo

    Price: $54 + $3 shipping.
    Buy securely through Paypal

    Shipping is $3 within the U.S. – International shipping averages around $9. Just contact me for a quote.

  • Moon Cats Dance 5×8 acrylic painting on wood

    Moon Cats Dance 5×8 acrylic painting on wood

    mooncats1 mooncats2

    This is a fun piece and if you barely know me, you know I love cats and adore dogs!

    About this Artwork
    This is a 5×8 wood board about 1/4th of an inch thick
    The painting is done in acrylic and sealed under varnish.
    Price : $40 plus $3 shipping

    This artwork is sold


  • A Woman of Great Ideas acrylic on wood painting

    A Woman of Great Ideas acrylic on wood painting

    This is a funky little acrylic painting on wood about a lady with a lightbulb head. She has so many great ideas she just went totally idea icon one day. It happened, true story.

    P.S. My personal favorite part of this piece are her tiny little toes.

    About this Artwork
    This is an original painting using acrylics done on a wood board.
    The size is 2.5 x 4.5-inches.
    Price : $20 + $3 shipping

    Buy securely using Paypal!

    Shipping is $3 inside the United States and most destinations outside the USA run around $9. Just write me before you buy if you live outside the US and I’ll give you a quote for shipping.

  • Long Neck Siamese Cat Acrylic Painting on Wood

    Long Neck Siamese Cat Acrylic Painting on Wood

    About this artwork

    This is a 2.5 x 4.5-inch wood board painted with a long neck siamese on it using acrylics.
    Price is : $20+ $3 shipping inside the USA.
    Buy Securely Through Paypal!

    Shipping is $3 inside the United States and most destinations outside the USA run around $9. Just write me before you buy if you live outside the US and I’ll give you a quote for shipping.

    The Story
    I was owned by a very special Siamese. Well, she wasn’t really Siamese. She was actually half-Himalayan (he was a show cat no less!) and half little-black-alley-cat that no one loved and I could never catch, she was way too feral. She did decide to crawl onto my downstairs neighbor’s porch one April 15th morning and have her kittens.
    That was the day I decided to add a cat to the family.
    Her name was Timmy. Pronounced : TIMMMMAAAAAAHHHHH.
    My neighbor called me down when the kittens were 3-days old because one kitten seemed to really have issues. She acted like her neck was broken, she couldn’t manage to nurse due to shaking, and as of that morning, Momma Cat was now refusing to let her even try to nurse.
    So, I scooped her up and we went to the vet to find out what to do for this little furry girl.

    The vet told me that we’d have to wait to know for sure, but she’d seen it enough to guess cerebellar hypoplasia. Basically, it’s a neurological disorder that happens. It can affect motor skills from just a little to a lot. I was given a tiny bottle and kitten formula and proceeded to do a whole lotta kitten feeding.

    Even though I knew who Timmy’s father was and definitely who her mother was (there was a big to-do in my apartment complex when the MommaCat tore the screen and got into the apartment where the people that owned the Himalayan show cat lived. They were angry this little cat got into their apartment and gave their cat fleas.
    The vet insisted she was a Seal Point Siamese when Timmy was 4-months old and I was getting the paperwork to get Timmy on a plane for a move to Ohio from Texas. She still couldn’t hold her head up well and it mostly flopped off to one side, and she did this weird scoot to get around. But she was eating, playing, and doing a lot of regular kitten things. I really liked my vet. She was knowledgeable, always available and went above and beyond. But she said something that really bugged me about Timmy.
    She told me that Timmy probably wouldn’t live past 2-3 years old.
    Like Timmy had an expiration date I couldn’t see or something. I decided to ignore it and give her the best life she could have.
    Timmy went on to live another 8 years. She had trouble with her legs randomly giving out, but overall her health was good. Her final year was rough, she had dementia. That was crazy. She would only stay in the upstairs kitchen and 7 years before we had a little box up there. It has been in the basement for years for the other cats, but Timmy would go to the corner where the litter box once was, step over imaginary sides and leave a little poop in the corner, and even go to the trouble to “cover it up” by pawing air around her creation.  She would go down to the basement to pee though (Is that TMI?).

    The day she left the upstairs kitchen and walked to the back door, I knew it was the day she was leaving us. It was on a Sunday (Mother’s Day actually), and I had a call into the vet but before he called back, she just laid down and went peacefully. I buried her in the flower garden and planted a ton of marigolds. She loved to sit and smell them when I brought them in.

    I still like to paint Timmy, she definitely left a pawprint on my heart.

  • Still Not Asking for It (Trigger Warning: rape)

    Still Not Asking for It (Trigger Warning: rape)

    I believe in ripping off the band-aid, so let’s get to the point. Someone very close to me was brutally raped. That was very, very bad but we’re getting past it and it’s becoming a bad thing that happened in the past, not a defining attribute of one’s own self. What I was not prepared for, in confiding to some friends what had happened, was the reaction I got from a few people. Someone I’ve known for years actually wanted to know if the person had been drinking (no)  or how they were dressed (t-shirt and jeans). Seriously? It made me angry that  people are still so uncomfortable with the notion that a man just took what he wanted in a violent, brutal way that surely the woman must have done something that gave him the green light to behave that way.
    I really don’t think it matters if a woman is drunk and nekkid as the day she was born, if she isn’t into sex with you, then don’t push it, and don’t rape.
    I’ve done a few pieces, this is the third in what is turning into a series.

    About the Artwork

    This is acrylic painted directly on a vintage photo and sealed under varnish.
    Each woman is wearing a pageant sash that spells out “Not Asking For It.”
    The size is 5.5 x 6.5 inches. The photo is from around 1910 – 1920s.
    Price : $35 + $3 shipping

    This artwork is sold

    Buy this Artwork securely through Paypal!


    Shipping within the United States is usually $3.
    International shipping to most destinations runs around $9. If you reside outside the U.S. just contact me before buying so I can give you an exact quote for shipping.

  • The Meat Lady Vintage Sexy Time Butcher Acrylic Painting

    The Meat Lady Vintage Sexy Time Butcher Acrylic Painting


    This is the fabulous butcher lady of ………wherever you want!

    This is a vintage photo that was very faded so I gussied her up with some paint and then I found some meat cutting instructions and put those around her. For that full on butcher experience.
    If you’re really into meat or know someone that is – this is the art you need in your life.

    About this Artwork

    This piece is 8×10 inches. Vintage photo mounted on heavy mat board and painted with acrylics. Everything is sealed under varnish.

    How to Make it Yours

    This artwork is Sold – talk to me if you’d like something similar for yourself. Just use the form below.
    [contact-form to=’’ subject=’I%26#039;d like something like The Meat Lady’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]


    Outside the U.S. shipping normally runs around $9 for most destinations but just email me at before you buy and I’ll give you a quote for how much shipping to your neck of the woods is.

  • Communication Misfire – Acrylic on Board 11 x 14


    Communication is hard with someone with a #braininjury #tbi