I am by nature a trusting person. I assume everyone has the best intentions always – yeah it’s bit me a few times too. It’s always the person I suspect the least is the biggest ass.
I am by nature a trusting person. I assume everyone has the best intentions always – yeah it’s bit me a few times too. It’s always the person I suspect the least is the biggest ass.
I knew someone once that okay, confession time, I got to the point I would piss her off just to see her stink eye.
It was amazing how she could squinch up one side of her face and open the other eye HUGE. And look totally displeased while doing it. She Had Stink Eye Jo Potocki Acrylic Collage Outsider Art Orginal Art Girl Woman | eBay
I’ve been eating organic for a very long time. Got rid of my microwave a long, long time ago and I don’t eat meat and haven’t for years. Skinney and I make nearly everything from scratch or source it local.
I don’t consider myself a vegetarian, I hate labels but if someone presses the closest thing I would say I am is a nutri-cian – whatever the healthiest option is, I will choose.
I had a friend of a friend that had discovered being a vegan and you’d think she invented the concept. She totally cornered me and started telling/yelling at me about animal cruelty in meat and how demand for beef is ruining the planet and I’m totally looking at my hands to see if I’m mistakenly holding a Big Mac or something.
Then I lost track of what she was saying because I noticed she was either beginning or ending every sentence with “I AM A VEGAN” like it somehow made her slightly better than all other humans. I told my friend to never bring this chick to a dinner party I’m at again unless she’s learned to control her vegan powers.
If you know me, you know I detest talking on the phone. I love letters, emails, even text messages and nothing beats face to face for a great chat. But I hate the phone.
Now, out of all the people in the world I could have partnered with in life, my partner Skinney hates the phone too. Neither of our kids enjoy talking on the phone.
So, when the phone rings at our house, this is usually the conversation that ensues…
#answerthephone, #art
I knew someone once that hated anything that was outside her comfort zone. And let me tell you, this chick’s comfort zone was microscopic.
She hated people with tattoos, said they were scummy and she wouldn’t sit by someone on a plane that had them. Yet, her husband had tats.
Anyone and anything unique was suspect and hated on.
She made me tired to be friends with, so I stopped.
Imagine all the people you’d never have the pleasure of knowing if you just judged a book by its cover?
And I love making Artist Trading Cards or ACEO’s (Art Cards, Editions and Originals) – you’ve been warned.
Size : 2.5-inches by 3.5-inches
Skinney and I were watching this television show where this woman was living a very submissive marriage role. I mean her husband had it made as far as he was concerned. She wasn’t even allowed to eat with him and the children at the table because women weren’t equal to men and the son’s repeated what their father thought. Just wow.
I imagined a different marriage where she was told she would obey and she rolled her eyes and kinda went pffffttttttttttt hahahahahaha in his face. 😀
Size : 6.5-inches by 4.25-inches
Ink, watercolor on antique photo from the 1900-1920s
the story of what inspired this piece will be sent with your artwork
I detest people that only complain.
I don’t mind someone finding fault with a situation or way of doing things as long as they always have the goal of making it better.
Otherwise asshats that complain are putting their problems in my lap via my ears and basically expecting me or someone else to fix whatever is making them unhappy.
It’s really sad when it is the only talent someone has.
I love making Artist Trading Cards or ACEO’s (Art Cards, Editions and Originals)- you’ve been warned
Size : 2.5-inches by 3.5-inches
mixed media Artist Trading Card 🙂
Have you ever known a liar, how about a really prolific one?
I have to realize I have been engaging conversations with someone that cannot go 10 minutes without another lie just flying out.
And he lies about really dumb stuff too like lying is just part of conversation with him.
Some people are scary.
I love making Artist Trading Cards or ACEO’s (Art Cards, Editions and Originals)- you’ve been warned
Size : 2.5-inches by 3.5-inches
mixed media Artist Trading Card 🙂
I think it’s no big secret I’m an atheist.
What you may not know is my circle of friends includes some very, let me stress VERY devoutly religious people and guess what? We don’t argue.
Never have and never will.
I have no issues with anyone believing whatever they want – none at all.
In fact, I’ll defend it.
I mind paying taxes while any entity claiming a religious exemption gets to skate away to the tune of 71 billion dollars a year in unpaid taxes because of religion.
I do find it amazing that rational, intelligent adults think it’s okay to teach children in school that a talking snake caused the fall of man and that’s when animals began to eat meat.
And that’s where this piece came from. #atheist #religion
I love doing Artist Trading Cards or ACEO’s (Art Cards, Editions and Originals) – you’ve been warned.
Size : 2.5-inches by 3.5-inches
mixed media Artist Trading Card 🙂